Independent Review of Intera’s Water Study Reveals Its Limited Scope

LAFAYETTE, Ind. (October 31, 2024) — A peer review shows predicting the sustainability of largewithdrawals from the Wabash River’s alluvial aquifers was beyond the scope of a state studymanaged by Intera Incorporated. Recognizing the need for transparency and accountability, theGreater Lafayette Water Stewardship Committee commissioned an independent review conductedby hydrologists and engineers from Haley & […]

Local Leaders Create a New Website to Share Info and Updates Regarding Regional Water Stewardship Efforts

A nonpartisan oversight committee unveils a new website that brings a fair and balanced voice to conversations about the Greater Lafayette Region’s water and economic future. The site,, was developed by the Greater Lafayette Region Water Stewardship Committee, which includes local government and business leaders. “The idea that the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) […]